CRMCS Portal

Select a highlighted state for more information on its Comprehensive Resource Management and Credentialing System.

Kansas CRMCS


The Kansas Division of Emergency Management (KDEM), in partnership with the Kansas Homeland Security Regions, launched a new comprehensive resource management tool in September of 2011. This tool allows county emergency managers and emergency response agencies the ability to credential personnel, provide information on availability of assets and personnel during an emergency, the ability to track those assets on scene, and complete incident visibility via the internet. The resource information is collected and stored in the web based Resource Manager Web (RMW) / InterTRAX Exchange system. Resources in the RMW system will be typed by the FEMA Tier I NIMS standards. Assets that fall outside those standards will be identified and given state specific Tier II types as defined by the subject matter experts in the appropriate discipline / Emergency Support Function (ESF). These standards for typing and credentialing are being developed now and the project is expected to be complete July of 2014.

Several of the Regional Homeland Security Councils have implemented accountability and credentialing systems in accordance with NIMS, NFPA and the State Strategic Goals for homeland security. RMW builds upon these systems to provide the entire state of Kansas the opportunity to benefit from the capability.

Responders Equipment
74,771 27,928

Regional Technical Center

Midwest Card and ID Solutions


Oklahoma CRMCS

Responders Equipment
10,734 1,034

Regional Technical Center

Midwest Card and ID Solutions



Responders Equipment
32,757 10,887

Regional Technical Center

Midwest Card and ID Solutions


Nebraska CRMCS

Responders Equipment
40,086 6,795

Regional Technical Center

Midwest Card and ID Solutions


Missouri CRMCS

Responders Equipment
43,192 40,197

Regional Technical Center

Midwest Card and ID Solutions


Colorado CRMCS

Responders Equipment
51,084 16,074

Regional Technical Center

Midwest Card and ID Solutions


South Dakota CRMCS

Responders Equipment
20,608 12,950

Regional Technical Center

Midwest Card and ID Solutions


Wyoming CRMCS

Responders Equipment
616 101

Regional Technical Center

Midwest Card and ID Solutions


Washington CRMCS

Responders Equipment
20,337 2,560

Regional Technical Center

Midwest Card and ID Solutions


Oregon CRMCS

Responders Equipment
165 3

Regional Technical Center

Midwest Card and ID Solutions


New Mexico CRMCS

Responders Equipment
446 338

Regional Technical Center

Midwest Card and ID Solutions


North Dakota CRMCS

Responders Equipment
1,384 2,344

Regional Technical Center

Midwest Card and ID Solutions
